Michael Beck
Software Engineer | Data Scientist | Chemical Engineer
01. About Me

I am a software engineer with a love for data science and chemistry, with a B.S in Chemical engineering.
My most recent experience has been with a FinTech company creating connectivity between banks and othe FinTech vendors.
02. Skills
Web Development
- Flask
- Django
- React
- Vue.js
- Next.js
Data Science
- Tensorflow
- Scikit-Learn
High Performance
- C++
- Go
Cloud Providers
03. Experience
Platform Engineer/Senior Platform Engineer
Sandbox Banking
January 2020 - June 2021
Developed and created various systems for an integration engine/platform to be used by financial institutions and financial technology vendors, using a Vue frontend and Django backend. Communicated with various clients and partnered vendors to find solutions for connectivity between systems.
Undergraduate Research Assistant
University of New Hampshire
Part Time
Worked on Molecular Simulation problems related to RNA and protein interactions, implementing Temperature Accelerated Molecular Dynamics (TAMD) in existing applications, and testing application and tools for potential use for lab group. Used several different applications and libraries, including VMD, PyMol, NAMD, mmtk, and others.
Chemical Engineering, B.S.
University of New Hampshire
Graduating Spring, 2022, 3.3 GPA
Chemistry: Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry
Biology: Microbiology
Statistics: Design of Experiments, Statistical Methods for Quality Improvement (Six Sigma)
Mathematics: Calculus, Differential Equations, Applied Mathematics
Chemical Engineering: Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Kinetics, Separation Processes, Mass Transfer, Microfluidics, Biochemical Engineering (current), Chemical Engineering Design (current)
Data Science Bootcamp
Lambda School
November 2018 - June 2019
Data science bootcamp with a focus in data visualization, data cleaning, databases, predictive modeling, and machine learning.
04. Projects

A project for running of Python user code in a sandbox safely and optimally.

A project for folding of protein sequences using browser resources.